About Me

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Bismillah. Ordinary man, I am. Selalu MENGHARAP agar diri ini sentiasa mendapat kefahaman yang lebih dalam semua perkara, as only by that I could increase my level of Iman. Selalu MENGHARAP untuk menjadi "a man of His and his words", whatever I said, is what He said and what I'll do. Never lose hope. Keep on HOPING.

Sunday, July 25, 2010



A short post.

How can you trust people, when they are actually
a race that is proven; love to betray.(?)

How can you trust others, when you know that in
everyone's heart, there is 'nafs' that will always try
to bring them away from the right path.(?)

As for me,

I'd never believe them, at first.

"Saya hanya percaya, dengan meletakkan kepercayaan
saya yang tertinggi hanya pada Allah s.w.t.,
barulah saya dapat mempercayai manusia."

"Jika saya dikhianati, saya tidak akan menyesal,
kerana Allah tidak mungkin akan mengkhianati saya."


*I'm not sure what kind of post is this.